Craft in Community!

Our mission is to cultivate a cozy and inspiring space for a diversity of fiber and craft folks to gather in community. Below you'll find a variety of free craft gatherings in an effort to support a variety of groups!

Have a group you'd like to bring here? Let us know!
  • Weekly Craft Gatherings

    Thursday 4 - 6pm

    Sunday 12 - 2pm

    Join us for one of our weekly crafts gathering! Bring a project and enjoy being around other crafters. Open to all crafters.

    FREE! Just show up!

  • Mending Circle

    1st Sunday of each month

    11:00am - 1:00pm

    Grab a piece from that stack of clothes you've been meaning to mend, and gather with others while you work on your project!

    FREE! Just show up!

  • Craft & Hike

    Dates & Locations Vary

    Enjoy crafting and the outdoors? We head out to a local hiking spot once a month and bring a project to work on!

    FREE! RSVP Required.

    RSVP Here 
  • BIPOC Craft Circle

    April 20; 1:00 - 3:00pm

    June 15; 1:00 - 3:00pm

    Gather with other crafters in the BIPOC community! Open to all crafters.

    FREE! Just show up!

  • Spinning Circle

    Wednesdays; 11:00 - 1:00


    Grab your spindle or spinning wheel and make yarn with other spinners!

    FREE! Just show up!

  • Sewing Social

    1x/month; Dates Vary

    Bring your sewing machine and work on a project while hanging out with other sewers! There is someone on site to help.

    RSVP Required. Fee based.

    RSVP Here